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日期:2016年04月14日     作者:超级管理员     来源:      点击:[]


Lecture: Smart Grid and the Internet of Things

主讲: Thomas Kunz,加拿大Carleton大学计算机工程系教授/博导,华东理工大学客座教授, ACM和IEEE的高级会员。





China is the world’s largest consumer of electricity, and its demand is expected to triple by 2035. In 2010, 70 percent of China’s electricity generation came from coal-fired power plants, but the Chinese government is investing heavily in renewable energy technologies. These efforts require upgrading the power grid to a smart grid, one of the key growth areas of the Internet of Things (IoT). A smart grid differs from a conventional power grid in that it includes a system of information and communication technologies (ICT) to bi-directionally transmit and distribute electricity more efficiently and reliably. Additionally, this technology allows consumers to manage their power usage and make choices for economically efficient products and services. In our research, we are exploring different ways to exploit this ICT capability. I will briefly cover three distinct projects we have recently undertaken: 1) efficient algorithms to minimize the residential energy consumption, 2) a simulation tool to evaluate various incentive schemes offered by grid operators when charging electrical vehicles, and 3) and an experimental evaluation of machine-to-machine protocols underlying the IoT.

Bio of Lecturer:

Professor Thomas Kunz received his Diplom in Wirtschaftsinformatik in 1990 and his Dr.Ing. in Informatik in 1994, both from the TechnischeHochschule Darmstadt,Germany. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering,CarletonUniversity,Ottawa,Canadaand visiting the Software Engineering Institute of East China Normal University,Shanghai, during his 2015/16 sabbatical. He heads the Mobile Computing Group, researching wireless network architectures (Manets. wireless mesh networks, and wireless sensor networks), network protocols (for example MAC, routing, localization, clock synchronization, and OoS support), and middleware layers for innovative applications, such as those that will define the IoT. He also collaborates closely withCanada’s Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN), a consortium of industry, academic and research leaders dedicated to accelerating the commercialization of next generation communications solutions, with emphasis on Software-Defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization. He has served on more than 70 TPCs of international conferences and workshops in the mobile and wireless domain and has collaborated extensively with both industry and government research labs. He is the author or coauthor of more than 220 technical papers and received a number of awards and best paper prizes. Professor Kunz is a senior member of both ACM and IEEE.

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